Saturday, May 10, 2008


traf-track-ing [traf-trak-ing]
-an activity where one tracks another using online traffic cameras, receiving cues from the person being tracked via cell phone.
-to be engaged in the above described activity.

This is an activity that I came up with today when my sister called for me to be her personal navigation system, which is a very intermittent service I must add. Anyway, I thought that since I was giving her directions it would be kind of cool to see if I could see her on the live traffic camera feeds. She would give me cues to include the mile marker she was at and the descriptions of the vehicles near by. I then used ctrl+Print Screen to get screen shots of when she passed the camera, as shown above. Now, this is not stalking, because the one being traftracked has to be a willing participant. Anyway, if you have some time on your hands (like a Saturday when kids are napping), give it a try. Obviously, it was fun enough to make my list of what I like. Please leave any comments about your successful traftracking experiences, as well as any fun variants that you may come up with. Happy traftracking!

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