Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I still love technology, always and forever.....I have loved technology my whole life. This interest first manifested itself when I was four or five and took a part our Alphie. My first computer experience was in second grade, using an Apple IIe to navigate the Logo "turtle" through mazes and to make various shapes.

We didn't own a computer until we got one for Christmas when I was twelve...the top-of-the-line 286 with a 20 meg hard drive. I added a blazing fast 2400 baud modem to "surf" the BBS scene. Oh and I got so excited to upgrade to DOS 5.0...those were the days. I learned by experimenting...which of course leads to set backs such as reformatting hard drives, but hey it was only 20 MB. I remember asking my cousin, "Can you even imagine a 1 gig hard drive?" It didn't take long for me to take the 286 apart and to begi9n adding things like an Ultrasound sound card. I was the envy my freshman year, thanks to my Grandfather's purchase of a HP Laserjet IIP, skipping right over dot-matrix.

In high school, I elected to take an electronics class, where I was able to put together a high power strobe light and a 3 channel light organ (which I used to have a green, red, and blue light flash with the bass, treble, and mid-range of my Techno/Eurobeat/Dance music. It was like a dance party in my room every night). I remember designing and making my first circuit board, putting it in a bath of acid to eat away the uncovered copper. I should also mention that in working with electronics always look where you rest your hand...I took about 250 VDC through my body by hitting the leads to a charged capacitor with my thumb.

Anyway, as we all know technology has come along way...hey, we already have over 1 tera hard drives, and thankfully no more overnight downloads destroyed by someone picking up the phone.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I hated when I would start a game update download and a potential employer would call. Blast them! Don't they know I had important work to do.