Monday, January 19, 2009

What I Don't Like....

Destructive Teenagers! We were not inside even 30 minutes before I looked out the window to see that some nasty kid destroyed our snow fort. I wasn't like that as a kid, and I never will understand the pleasure that delinquents get from destroying other people's property or creations. I'll stop here to keep my anger in check. Thank goodness for Wii Boxing...I do like that!

Making Snow Forts

My oldest and I decided we would take advantage of our first snowfall of the season by building a snow fort. Unfortunately, the snow stopped and sun came out before we could finish it. I was thinking full on igloo...maybe next time!

Rolling Down Hills

Not just any hills of course, hills where our first President George Washington may have taken a roll or two down himself. Ok, I cannot tell a lie, most any hill will do.

I had the pleasure of growing up next door to a city park that had a nice big hill. The hill was great for sledding in the winter, and rolling down the rest of the year (when dry and relatively warm). In fact, until Mount Vernon, I had not rolled down any hill, to my recollection, since my youth.

So, what possessed me to engage in this youthful activity that usually only adults who are less than sober do? Well it is simple...I like to have fun...and it was fun. I just wish I had known about the abundant goose droppings that fertilize the grassy greens overlooking the Potomac before I took a roll!